Tuesday 17 March 2015

Postmodern Essay notes

"Postmodern media manipulate time and space"
To what extent does this definition apply to texts you have studied?

Topic: "Postmodern media"
Aspect: "Apply to texts you have studied" E.g. Django, music artist
Viewpoint: "Manipulate time and space"
Instruction: "To what extent does this definition"

- The rejection of modernism
- Modernism offered truth, improvement, hierarchy and order
- Grand narratives rejected
- Industrialisation created the possibility for postmodernism to exist because everything became identical
- Loss of identity

- An area or position in relation to something else

- Forwards and backwards

E.g. Gorillaz use a rock song from the 1970's therefore are manipulating time, however if they then use a hiphop track they are mixing two genres and manipulating time and space.

Loss of identity:
- Simulacrum

Name of text: Year, director, composer
Every example must be from the last 5 years

Brian Eno: Death of uncool

5 Paragraphs:
Intro - What is Postmodernism?
Para 1 - Film x3
Para 2 - Music x3
Para 3 - TV Programme x3
Conclusion - Predict the future

E.g. 'Mississippi' written across screen in Django - Gone with the Wind reference
       KKK scene in Django, parody of Birth of a Nation